5 April 2024
As part of the lead-up to Somerville Open Studios, I'll be showing in two galleries in town!  If you're out and about, check them out:
"SOS First Look" is the preview event for Open Studios.  My mushroom print "Viscid Violet Cort" will be on view there.  The show is held in the Somerville Museum, 2 Westwood Road, from 11 April to 11 May.
"Locavore: Community" is being hosted by Neighborhood Produce, 691 Broadway, to highlight art that evokes the theme of community.  My cyanotype "Bowling" will be hosted here from 19 April to 11 May.
And the main event - Open Studios will be held 4-5 May from noon to 6:00 pm each day.  The map is available on the SOS website; I will be showing at map marker #2.  Come on by!
17 March 2024
I will be participating in Somerville Open Studios 4-5 May, 2024.   I will be offering a mix of matted digital prints, framed digital and silver gelatin prints, and cyanotypes.  Stay tuned for more details!
9 October 2023
Somerville's annual Honk! festival was held this weekend.  I was able to get out and document the fun - please check out the album here.  If you're part of the bands or the Honk! organizers, feel free to use any of the images you like for marketing or other purposes with attribution - and let me know you found them!
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